Major factors affecting food security include population growth, low incomes,
increased demand for land, water and energy resources, and increased risk of climate-change related threats from droughts, flooding, hail etc.
Major factors affecting food security include population growth, low incomes,
increased demand for land, water and energy resources, and increased risk of climate-change related threats from droughts, flooding, hail etc.
The main goal is the development and effective implementation of state policy aimed at ensuring food security for
the entire population. The priority focuses оп ensuring that all households have access to safe and nutritious food, at affordaЫe and staЫe prices.
The current high costs for collection, transportation, storing, processing, packaging and certification of products from the field to final consumers significantly reduces the competitiveness and profitabllity of Uzbek agri-food producers and processes.
The low level of development of the food industry limits the capabllities for increasing the volume of production of high value-added products.
There is also а shortage of laboratories, whole sale markets and logistics centers that meet the requirements of international standards and quality requirements, as well as equipment at customs and border points for phytosanitary control of horticulture products.
The main objective of this strategic priority is to increase the export potential of the agri-food sector,
increase the volume of value-added products, expand the introduction of certification systems, based оп international standards, and the development of cooperation mechanisms to promote farmer groups.
The direct participation of the state in the supply of resources for farmers, as well as the production and marketing of products, limits the attraction of private investment in the sector. The effective use of funds from credit lines of international financial institutions is limited Ьу the under-development of advisory services for agri-businesses, а lack of business management skills, human resources in the agro-industrial complex and the banking sector. There are по incentives to promote the use of good agricultural and environmental practices (GAEP), good manufacturing practices (GMP) and other standards. There are also по structures, systems or mechanisms for independent monitoring and
evaluation of investment impact effectiveness.
The main objective of this strategic priority is to ensure the rational and efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection in the sustainaЫe development of agriculture.
ОThe Forest fund is one of the country’s main natural resources, which occupies 11.1 million hectares or 25 percent of the total territory. While forested areas make up 3.2 million hectares (29 percent).
ProЫems in the sector are also exacerbated bу а lack of modern and high-quality infrastructure for the provision of services that meets
international standards and requirements. This primarily goes for public services
related to food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary services.
Currently, а number of services are provided and monopolized bу state-owned enterprises which leads to negative consequences in attracting private investment in the field and creating competition in the supply of resources and the provision of marketing services.
The main goal of this priority area is to revise the existing institutional structures through the creation of systems, services and coordination mechanisms that can meet the needs of the agrarian market.
Мау 1, 2020
The Ministry of Agriculture
А large part of support for general services is currently recorded in the budget framework under the category of “miscellaneous,” indicating а lack of strategic planning for puЫic spending in the sector.
There is also по systematic linkage within the budget system between lnternational finance and credit programs in support of the sector (more than $ 3.5 Ьillion) and large government investment programs or strategic planning processes.
The main objective of this area is to increase the utilization efficiency of agricultural investments through the gradual redistribution of puЫic financial resources provided for basic puЫic services and implementation of structural reforms in accordance with new priorities of agrarian policy.
March 1, 2020
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance,
The absence of а well-functioning agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS) that саn effectively link research, education and the provision of advisory and extension services remains one of the most significant constraints to sector development. Currently, public investment in research amounts to 0.2% of the total agricultural budget. The lack of effective mechanisms for interaction between farmers and agri-business, based оп government-funded research, significantly limits practical implementation of the research results funded bу the state.
The majority of local varieties of agricultural crops have low productivity and do not meet foreign market requirements. Dependence оп imported varieties of agriculture crops which are expensive and inappropriate for local conditions is growing.
Creation of а modern, integrated and flexible system in the areas of agriculture, food supply, education, training and information and advisory services is the main purpose of this strategic priority.
Approximately 16.4 million people ( 49.40/о of the total population) reside in rural areas of Uzbekistan (2018). The country also has а high Ьirth rate (23.3 pro mil) and correspondingly, а labor force surplus in rural areas.
People under 25 years represent 45.50/о of the population and over 550/о of the population is under 30. PuЫic services in rural areas, as well as transportation and information and communication links, remain limited.
Мау 1, 2020
The State Committee for Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture
Мау 1, 2020
The State Committee for Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture
Ensuring sustainaЫe development of rural areas is the main purpose of this strategic priority.
The lack of accurate and reliable data constrains the design of new legislative acts and also does not allow for an objective assessment of their impact оп the sector. The lack of reliable marketing information significantly limits the abllity of farmers and other agri-business entities to take advantage of existing and changing market opportunities when developing business plans or the proper planning of activities.
Attracting investments in the system of collecting reliable statistical information, processing and disseminating data reflecting the state of the agri-food sector will have а positive impact the development of the public and private sectors.
The main objective of this priority area is to improve the collection, comparison and dissemination of reliaЫe statistical information.
Ministry of lnvestment and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy and lndustry
State Committee оn Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture