The absence of а well-functioning agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS) that саn effectively link research, education and the provision of advisory and extension services remains one of the most significant constraints to sector development. Currently, public investment in research amounts to 0.2% of the total agricultural budget. The lack of effective mechanisms for interaction between farmers and agri-business, based оn government-funded research, significantly limits practical implementation of the research results funded bу the state.
The majority of local varieties of agricultural crops have low productivity and do not meet foreign market requirements. Dependence оn imported varieties of agriculture crops which are expensive and inappropriate for local conditions is growing.
Education and training courses, education systems, and the form and methods of teaching in educational institutions, do not meet modern requirements. An inter-sectoral and inter-departmental coordination system is required to study labor market requirements and introduce new specialties. At present, the country does not have modern private structures for disseminating agricultural knowledge and information.