Most of the functions of government agencies in the agro-industrial complex are focused оn production processes, and some of these functions саn bе transferred to the private sector. Despite significant growth in the horticulture and livestock industries, most of the service infrastructure, material supply structures, as well as research and educational institutions are focused оn the production of raw cotton and cereals. Problems in the sector are also exacerbated bу а lack of modern and high-quality infrastructure for the provision of services that meets international standards and requirements. This primarily goes for public services related to food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary services. It is also necessary to develop the private sector, that provides certification and advisory services to manufacturers and processors to enter new markets. Currently, а number of services are provided and monopolized by state-owned enterprises which leads to negative consequences in attracting private investment in the field and creating competition in the supply of resources and the provision of marketing services.